Merry Christmas and happy thoughts

Too much food last night. And the night before too. And now I’ trying to skip breakfast, but it’s so hard, since I have in front of me a warm, yummy-looking slice of bread, and some cherry-tomatoes and the olive oil bottle whose label is screaming “Bio”. How could I refuse these? Yes, of course, it’s Christmas time!!
As in the last years, Christmas days are being spent in Germany. Besides the “too much food”, I can’t complain! Nice family gatherings, meeting some old and new friends, exchanging some gifts (not too many though) and having a lot of time to play with the nieces and to read or watch inspirational/profound/fashion/deco Youtube videos.
At the moment, I am reading the book of Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection. And while I was looking for the name of the another book I read from her, “Daring greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead” I’ve noticed my feedback. So I realised that I was feeling the same way again: Something is missing between me and the book. And of course, it’s not the content, but rather the translation. I had to translate from Romanian to English so many times just to understand the idea better – ironic, hm? It is not always the case, but I’ve realised that if I’m used to some messages in a language (usually that’s English) it’s so hard to get it in my native one, Romanian. I am thinking to buy this book in English too, for a 100% enjoyment.
Languages of my inner messages were also a concern for me when choosing mantras. I even asked somebody once how the inner talking is working if some mantras are in English and others in Spanish and Romanian (not enough German-level for mantras yet). I was worried that I may have to speak to my soul (?) or universe in my native language, but for many messages I wasn’t feeling like translating them. So that person told me that it’s not important the language but rather the vibration that it is created inside of you, the energy that’s liberated in those moments … and that was a thought that calmed me down and encouraged me to pay attention to that energy even more than the words themselves. And to end this stream of thoughts, recently I noted an Instagram caption of a blogger (vegan and mother 🙂 @lonijane – “Your body hears everything your mind says” Naomi Judd. No surprise I was drawn to it because one of the my oldest post-it glued on the mirror is a quote from Emerson saying (in Romanian) the idea that you are the thoughts you have every single day.
- Did you read any Brené’s books?
- If you are bilingual, do you find any difficulties mixing languages when reading books or taking to yourself?
– Why I’m suddenly here? –
For so many days I have the impulse to write … here or anywhere. And this is actually what I did now. Just write something. I have some specific thoughts that are following me for some time and I would like to put them on the paper, or here. But there is something else too that’s pulling back, and there are messages as: “You should prepare your presentation for work”, “you should clean the kitchen”, “you better study German”, “it’s don’t worth it”, “why bothering?”, “what can I cook today?” and so on… I don’t mind all the “Andreea, you should this and that” type of thoughts, but the one thing that I really want to answer to myself is “WHY?”. Why do I want to write and moreover, why do I want to share the thoughts? And I’m sure my brain could find some rational answers, but I feel that this question is yet another one whose answer I better feel it and think it. Do you want other examples of felt-answers or answers by the heart? Well, why do you want to get married? Why do you want to have kids? Why you are not eating meat? Why would you leave Spain? (this is for the future)… Well, I can easily notice that all the answers of these questions are somehow creating the framework of our lives. Maybe that’s why there is no rational-perfect-for-society answer. So, what should I do? I could stop hunting for an answer, and keep writing:) Just like that! But of course, with no expectations. Just let the words fly … with no condition attached to them.
I am hugging you strong and wishing you exactly what I wish for myself: power to resist eating so much, power to be more and more present here and now, share time with great persons, power to love everything and accept everybody.
Merry Christmas and a lot of love from Andreea