Be here NOW

Trigger: “Can’t wait until my hair will be longer again!”
No, no, no … NOW it’s perfect! So, be here now! This moment right now is perfect. And no, you really don’t have to wait until the hair will be longer, or until you get the new haircut. You don’t have to delay your joy until you’ll lose some kgs or gain some. You don’t have to cancel this moment because your shoes are worn out or your shoes are so new …and it’s raining.
You don’t have to wait until you will have a new house or until you’ll have a baby.
Be here now and this is the best moment for YOU!
You don’t have to wait until he will be gone, or until she will be back.
Don’t wait for anything and nobody! Be here now! No expectations.
NOW is the best of times.
No matter if it’s raining, no matter if you have no money and even if she is no longer here, because you … are still here. Appreciate this moment of being here NOW. And no, you don’t have to reject your feelings, you better take them with you, hug them and be with them NOW.
You have no right in front of life to deny your PRESENCE.
P.S.: these thoughts were written in October 2017, saved in Drafts, never published until now. Do you want to know the irony? For some weeks now, I’ve been thinking again “Can’t wait for my hair to grow longer”. I’m going to laugh and learn my lesson. I’ve been taking a deep breath to absorb this situation: Two years and a half later and I’m still in the same chain of thoughts? However, it’s not a coincidence that I’ve checked this draft right now – that’s making me smile ... I’m on track.
It’s sad or annoying that I’m going in circles of thoughts, and it’s so hard to break them. However, it is not impossible, it’s really doable! In time.
And every moment of being here, right now, I, you will let go of thoughts we don’t need, and stay more connected to the NOW.
Hugs from sunny Valencia, Andreea